Wednesday, 30 March 2011

c) Choose one religion other than Christianity and explain why some of its followers agree with transplant surgery and some do not. (8)


  1. Some Muslims agree with transplant surgery because it is saving a dying persons life. This means they get to enjoy life again. It makes good use of organs which would have gone to waste this could also be seen as conserving life. They believe that it is not up to them to decided if a person lives or dies therefore they should follow th esanityt of life and try to save life whenever they can. Transplant surgery is a good thing and saves millions of lives. Some Muslims disagree because they believe that the soul is still with a person even after death. The Qur’an teaches that after a Muslim dies the body must be buried as quickly as possible and not be interfered with. So cutting up a body to get organs for transplant surgery is wrong and against the Qur’an. Only Allah gets to decided who lives and dyes so it isn’t up to a doctor to make Allah’s decision.

  2. This is a really good answer! 7/8! Maybe I'm being harsh. I would encourage you to look up some Qu'ran or Shariah law quotes on the relevant topics and then learn these by heart. It wouldn't take you long and would focus your answers on facts. Then you need to appreciate the diversity of interpretaion of these facts. Do you know what I mean?

  3. Some Muslims agree with transplant surgery because it is helping to save lives. Muslims believe that transplant surgery should be allowed because it is stated "Whosoever saves the life of one person would be as if they saved the whole of mankind." in the Holy Qur'an (5:32). Muslims would use this verse to support transplant surgery as doing so would save lives.

    Through the Muslim Law Council, muslims are encoraged to carry organ donor cards so that thier organs can be donated or transplanted so that pain and suffering can be alleviated or lives could be saved. So many Muslims would be in favour of transplant surgery particularly if the organs were to be used for their relatives.

    Muslims believe that arguments against transplant surgery can be over ruled because the most important thing to do is to save life. If transplant surgery helps to save lives then muslims should be in favour.

    Other muslims would disgree with transplant surgery because they would follow the teachings of the Holy Qur'an to not interfere with the body after death. They would state that the body should be buried as quickly as possible after death and left in tact so that it could be ressurected on the Day of Judgement.

    These Muslims would further argue that we cannot interfere with the sanctity of life because they would say that only Allah can give and take life.

  4. This is super work. Well done Faizan! 8/8


Which of the following treatments for infertility do you think are right?