Wednesday, 30 March 2011

c) Explain why some Christians agree with fertility treatments and some do not (8)


  1. Some Christians agree with fertility treatments because it gives people a chance to have children in their life. God said “be fruitful and multiply” this means that it is a Christians duty to have kids and fertility treatment lets this happen. They also believe that god allowed humans to develop these techniques so they should be used to their full potential.
    Some Christians are against fertility treatments because they believe that only natural conception is allowed. Catholics are against ivf because the embryos that are not put in the womb are seen as human because they have souls. These excess embryo’s are then destroyed and this is seen as wrong because it is taking somebody’s potential life away. The bible tells them that adultery is wrong and egg and or sperm donors are seen by many as adultery, which god frowns upon. Masturbation is a sin so any treatment that means the egg is fertilised out side of the women’s body. This involves the man masturbating so is seen as wrong.


Which of the following treatments for infertility do you think are right?